Friday 6 June 2014

Udo - Renovation (1997)

Like Rammstein but only cooler, heaver, better funnier and not as painfully political its Udo!
A classic but forgotten artist from the 80's in Accept and the 90's as the independent recorder, Udo created awesome songs that i could never forget, growing up in my Dad's shed i listened to his stuff all the time and his melodies are unbeatable

To me, i kow him for his song balls to the wall which to me were about protecting yourself from pooftas (not from his solo career however). However, its debated he might have meant the throttles used in fighter planes having ball ends being pushed all the way forward until they touched the dashboard indicating max power

This German motherfucker is awesome, its unfortunate he's as unappreciated as he is

Back to the article title, Udo renovation is a late 1990's album thats honestly stuck in the 80's which is always a nice thing to have, for classic 80's metal you want this in your ears right the fuck now if i was you


Udo - Renovation 1997 zip Download

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