Saturday 7 June 2014

Radio Moscow

My last few posts have been about metal, classic metal bands that were either neglected by the mainstream or abandoned before they became big. Lets take a step back and explore neo-psychedelia, because it is my shitty music tastes, i like drug induced songs that have free expression too, just look at Hawkwind

Radio Moscow is definitely a new band i follow, along with Tame Impala and STRFKR (Starfucker for you peasants) that are soft trips rather than hard trips like some other bands would offer

Don't get me wrong, Radio Moscow isn't stoner pop or god forbid it being ambient rock/stoner shit. The band identifies itself with being a throwback to the 1970's bands like Jimi Hendrix or Led Zeppelin.

I see it more as a stoner rock experience, meaning they still sound good and mindbending all at once. Dont be fooled however, this is NOT a hard album, its not what your dad listened to with his mates when he knocked off work, infact you may be ridiculed for openly listening to this and its in the midrange between piss poor mainstream and thrash-core metal, all im going to say about it is: its different which is why i like it

Brain Waves was the first album i listened to by the band, other than the creatively named The Great Escape of Leslie Magnafuzz the rest of the albums by the bands are blues other than anything and to me these 2 albums stand out the most as being good psychedelia rather than hipster garbage.With that said and done, what are they REALLY like?

Well go find out


Radio Moscow - Brain Cycles (2009) zip rar 7z Download

Radio Moscow - The Great Escape of Leslie Magnafuzz (2011) zip rar 7z Download